
813 results:    381 Raspberry Pi PC,    7 Solar System 260W,    47 Solar System 60W,    6982 Solar Kit 5W

Dorf Ourbonna

(ID: 827 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 54 Solar Kit 5W
Ourbonna is a district of Natitingou and unfortunately the poorest of the city of Natitingiou in the sense that the vital minimum is sorely lacking. It is a neighborhood like those of the outlying villages of Natitingou. There is no infrastructure there. The district is nevertheless subdivided but not yet serviced. 54 families were taken into account in the district of Ourbonna which is one of the poorest districts of the city of Natitingou. Although being a district of the capital city of the department. there is no infrastructure likely to favor any development in this district. My arrival in this district was therefore applauded by these populations who saw in me a savior because soon they will be able to be enlightened in the future. Here is the list of these families who will soon benefit from the generosity of ABIOLA, 1-YOTTO Léon,2-DOSSIA Noël,3-KOUNOPO Canton,4-YOTTO Epiphane,5-YOTTO Yantcha,6-BOTI Jean,7-BOROUKAYAMA Marguérite,8-SARAKATE Massopa,9-DAKOU Rose,10-SINAMA Doko,11-+DOKO Boni,12-KOUAGRE Sika Jean,13-KOUAGRE Sotima François ,14-KOUAGRE Barthélémy,15-YOTTO Matthieu,16-NTCHAKABA Baropa Edgard ,17- WIRIKOU Sinkoman, 18-DASSAKATE Yokossi, 19-NATTE Ntèguèyido, 20-DASSAKATE Ouroupoh, 21-KROUBOUTE Béré, 22-KOUMPORI François, 23- FARA Béré,24-DOKO Sékou, 25-DASSAKATE Yatopa Basile,26-DASSAKATE Philippe, 27-KOHOU Jules,28-WIRIKOU Frédéric, 29-KOUAGRE Hélène,30DASSAKATE Sinama,31-YANTO Bernadette,32-BOTORI Dokopé,33-KOUAGRE Albert,34-DASSAKATE Yéropa,35- TCHARO Emilienne, 36-KOURA Kouagré,37-KPANGOUPO Nèkima,38-WIRIKOU Marie,39- SAHI Banga,40-WATOUPE Tikiba, 41-POUKATE Brakari,42- TCHISSOPA Abraham,43FETANI Fernand, 44-DASSAKATE Benoit, 45-TCHOROMI Samson,46- KAKI Elie, 47-FETANI Siméon,48-OURTCHA Romuald,49-MADOPA Brigitte,50-DASSAKATE Sika,51- DOKO Dokotorou,52-DORAN Laurent, 53-SEME Sékou,54- FETANI Elie ***** A big thank you to supervisor René Sobabe ABIOLA-TEAM.


(ID: 757 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 4 Raspberry Pi PC
Rev. James Badu is the current pastor in charge of the City of Refuge School, Kintampo. It was founded in the year 2015. The school now has a total population of 370 students, with 220 females representing 51% and 150 males representing 49%. The school has fifteen (12) teaching personnel and four (4) non-teaching staff from NURSERY to JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. There are just five computers in use in the school's computer lab. More computers are needed at the school to support successful ICT teaching and learning, as well as to assist students in accessing material from the internet via various search engines. Classes are held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the week. The students' interest has been sparked by the repositioned PCs. Students frequently outperform their teachers in terms of learning speed. We also hope to employ technology to recognise and improve particular student abilities. Teachers can also use computers to better their education. Adult education via computer is also possible for parents and villagers. In addition, we have installed an Internet connection so that students can access the ABIOLA online Academy. Adults can use computers to obtain information for business, shopping, and medical needs, among other things. We are aware that if our students complete their courses successfully, we will receive extra computers from ABIOLA. Rev. Daniel, our General Manager, deserves our appreciation. ***** ABIOLA is pleased to be able to contribute to the education of students in Ghana. Many thanks for assistance in setting up the computers to Pastor Dr. Daniel Ayembilla, Referee Andrew Jeremiah Nai-Mensah, Referee Jeffery Ayembilla, and Phillip and David and all the other helpers.

Assemblies of God Church of Tchitoyouré

(ID: 844 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 50 Solar Kit 5W
The 2nd Assemblies of God Church of Tchitoyouré is located in the village of Tchitoyouré whose name it bears and its members are made up entirely of peasants who have difficulty meeting their vital needs. The village itself has no infrastructure allowing it to give a small chance of development to its inhabitants. These inhabitants struggle as best they can to survive so that their children and parents only expect God to meet their essential needs to allow them to have a glimmer of hope for their development. And as if by magic ABIOLA constitutes the answer to their cries of heart since through it, around fifty families if the request is accepted will at least come out of the darkness and from now on the children will be able to learn in complete safety and with a visual comfort their lessons. Here is the family in question: 1-YOKOSSI Henriette,2-SOTIMA Pauline, 3-SOTIMA Philomène,4-KASSA Honorine, 5-TCHANDO Clémentine,6-TCHANDO Jeannette,7-DOKO Alidja,8-BONA Pascaline,9-TCHANKPEGA Jacqueline,10-DJOMPO Tchoro, 11-TCHANDO Dorcas,12- TINGATE Jeannette,13-YAOUTI Marie,14-SIKA Rébecca,15-KOUARFATE Sansané,16-KAPRIKA Pascaline,17-KASSA Elie,18-TCHANDO Tchenti,19-TCHANDO Kassa,20-TORE Germaine,21-TORE Jacqueline,22-TORE Céline,23-TAMPEKOU Aline,24-KOUAGOU Bernadette,25-KPESSOPA Colette,26-OYANTO Josué,27-TCHISSOPA Prisca,28-SERO Bignon,29-YANTCHA Elisabeth,30-TCHISSOPA Philomène,31-TCHANDO Sylvie,32-YANTCHA Matthias,33-SEKOU Débora,34-TIANDA Zénabou,35-ZOROBOU Sabine,36-YETEMA Lompo,37-LOMPO Poléli,38-BONA Léa,39-MADA Wouari,40-MADA Mouta,41-YANRI Pascal,42-KOUROUSSOU N Christine,43-TCHANDO Cathérine,44-BONA Nahini,45-TINGATE Céline,46-KPATAKOU Nèfi,47-TORE Emmanuela,48-NOURA Barthélémy,49-SAWADOGO Maïmouna,50-TCHALENI Bapoukini ***** A big thank you to supervisor René Sobabe ABIOLA-TEAM.

Familien SolarKits für TCHANTANGOU-DORF

(ID: 763 | Status: Donated)
Organization: Kinderhilfe Westafrika
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 57 Solar Kit 5W
TCHANTANGOU VILLAGE The village of Tchantangou for those who know the commune of Natitingou knows that it is a famous village because of the presence of gold; but despite everything there are still pockets of extreme poverty still because this mining resource is not accessible to everyone because it is done in an artisanal way. In addition to that, it is a high-risk job, especially in the rainy season. Hardly a year goes by without learning that people have been swallowed up in hollows that have collapsed due to the large amount of water flowing from the nearby mountains. It is therefore a high-risk job so that some people prefer not to run this risk even though a popular adage says: who risks nothing, nothing gains. Several families are content with field work which is not profitable, especially since they do not have large cultivable areas because of the mountains. In this state you recognize with me that life is not at all easy there. The village is quite lively and has many foreigners, especially traders. For these populations ABIOLA could be of great support by allowing them to solve the problem of light for the happiness of their offspring who are of school age. More than fifty families have been registered in Tchantangou 1-TANKOUANNOU Appolinaire 2-YORO Gustave 3-TCHANDO S Etienne 4-TCHOROUWE Bernadette 5-TCHANTANGOUTE Sahi 6-SONTO Bassiwé 7-TETO Rachelle 8-SOULE Yvette 9-KOBTA Madeleine 10-TCHANDO Delphine 11-SOKOU Delphine 12-BOKOPOH François 13-KATOTCHA Robert 14-BOUMERIBOU Yotto 15-SAHI Tchantangouté 16-OUROUTCHA Amélie 17-YOTTO Dokotorou 18-TCHANTANGOU Béré 19-KASSA Constant 20-YORIWAN Kontipé 21-KASSA François 22-PAKAPOH Mathieu 23-NOREYAMA Boridé 24-TCHOROPA Tépa 25-KOUKOUBOU Doko 26-YOTTO Samson 27-SAGUI Dénise 28-YANGOU Tchima 29-KASSA Sokodékou 30-SAHI Kado 31-TEPA Colette 32-YOKOSSI Marie 33-TEPA Kado 34-YANGOU Martine 35-K£AKARE Sabropa 36-TAMOUTE Germain 37- MOUSSA Koura 38-YOKOSSI Jules 39-BOUMERIBOU Bossima 40-YOTTO Germain 41-YOROU Fousséna 42-YANTCHA Nèkito 43-TCHETOU Jérémie 44-AMBROISE Elisabeth 45-KOUKOUBOU Dakoupé 46-SAHI Kpakiré 47-SOULE Assana 48- TCHOROUWE Jérémie 49- SOTIMA Nèkima 50-TORE Tchenti 51-YOUROUWAN Dominique 52-YOKOSSI Blaise 53-TEOURE Nicolas 54-BIO yassouma 55 SOTIRE Thomas 56DOSSIA Nicaise 57-KOUAGOU Brice ***** A big thank you to supervisor René Sobabe ABIOLA-TEAM.

Kawu Community

(ID: 881 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 50 Solar Kit 5W
Within the upper West area of Ghana, Kawu village is located in the middle of the Wa West district. It is home to about 1,013 people from the Brifor, Waali, and Fulani ethnic groups. The main way people in the town make a living is through farming, which is also the main job. Residents work hard to grow many foods, such as corn, beans, rice, and maize, so they can feed their families and make money. Even though the Kawu are hardworking, they have trouble getting to clean water, power, and phones when they need to. People in the community often have to go on long trips to get these basic needs, which shows how hard their daily lives are. Even though there are linguistic and cultural differences, Kawu is still a peaceful and close-knit town where everyone works together. Their shared values help them live together peacefully, which makes their society stronger. Farm products and charcoal production, which is mostly run by women in the community, bring in most of the money for the community. But because their environment is spread out, the people who live there are at risk of many things, such as scorpion stings and snake bites. When solar kits are given to Kawu, they should be able to solve a number of important problems. In addition to offering long-term energy solutions, these solar kits will lower the risks that come with poisonous animals, improve learning opportunities for students and teachers, and make housework easier for moms. The people of Kawu are looking forward to getting their hands on the solar kits because they know they will help them make more money and make the town stronger. List of registered members 1. Gornor Erengmene 2. Tunee Ollo 3. Daadi Danna 4. Kuubin James 5. Tensoro Juliana 6. Ngmene Ebenezer 7. Donkuro Telma 8. Mabom Jonas 9. Manne Michael 10. Moo Salomay 11. Tahiru Musah 12. Sakuor Tedomo 13. Dorbine Theresa 14. Kyele Kuutel 15. Yirnibe Simon 16. Vuro Akua 17. Sintobo Niyoor 18. Wuro Charles 19. Dorbaare Ortaar 20. Basour Naah 21. Domotee Dorguno 22. Boah Yelbom 23. Tie-ana Lekere 24. Oorti Dong 25. Kpierfaara Francis 26. Domo Michael 27. Paa Dari 28. Saawaane Mary 29. Eresaan Sarfo 30. Kyormah Dari 31. Laworo Dari 32. Saayir Saana 33. Yengnor Job 34. Eio-suo Abigail 35. Dari Atta 36. Da-ere Lazarus 37. Piida Muor 38. Dapilah Konyon 39. Vuur Boyeng 40. Kuupil Dortuo 41. Mary Tikyoo 42. Soamanee Lucy 43. Basuor Zul 44. Kyele Dieso 45. Wasei Dortuo 46. Saapuur Saawonuur 47. Tensal Saadi 48. Dalan Muor 49. Kuutugbee Tiezii 50. Donkuro Dari. ***** A big thank you to supervisor Albert Dery ABIOLA-TEAM.

Restoration preparatory school

(ID: 685 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 5 Raspberry Pi PC, 1 Solar System 260W
Rev. James Amoako is the director this school. The school was established in the year 2005 and has a population of 150 pupils with 90 boys and 60 girls. The school has from nursery to junior high level of education. It is in our plan to acquire a bigger property to comfortably accommodate the juniir high student. We are grateful Rev. Daniel Ayembilla for this initiative of partnering with Abiola to bring computer literacy to the school. These computers will go a long way to help students and teachers alike. ***** ABIOLA is happy to contribute to the education of the students in Ghana. We thank Referent Dr. Daniel Daniel Ayembilla, Referent Andrew Jeremiah Nai-Mensah, Referent Jeffery Ayembilla and Phillip and David and all other helpers.

Azoungo Community

(ID: 816 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 50 Solar Kit 5W
Azoungo community is located West-East of Bawku town and shares boundaries with Tamyella and Booyala communities. The Azoungo community is divided into two communities by a river. While the main community is Azoungo, the next community is called Azuti. The two communities had been denied electricity for over three decades now and this makes life unbearable for the people. There is no reliable source of light during the night apart from moonlight. The communities have a total population of 1028 people currently living in them. Out of this population, majority of the people are youth and children of school going age and are often confronted with difficulty in learning at night. Thers is a serious scarcity of water in these communities for both human and animal cosumption. The people are mainly farmers where they cultivate crops such as,millet, maize, soyabeans, groundnut, beans,rice and also rear farm animals such as cattle,sheep, goats, fowls and guinea fowls.The women also engage in sheabutter extraction as local business , which is seasonal. The rain generally comes once in a year in the north for which Azoungo and Azuti communities are no exception. Even though people are hardworking and like to farm all year round, they cannot do so because of the one rainy season in the north. This compels people to travel to the sourthern part of Ghana to work in cocoa farms to earn money and send to their families at home. They often come home during the rainy season. It is also a well known fact that these two communities separated by a river have majority of the people living in abject poverty and cannot afford to buy lamps to use in the night. Those who have family members living outside these communities are the ones with torch lamps that need batteries replacement all the time. The offer to register them for the Abiola lamps was a welcoming news that gained acceptability by members of the two communities. The registered families are as follows; 1.Anyagre Daniel 2.Akoloba Akulock 3. Tii Clement Nagbil 4.Akuka Samuel 5. Ayembilla Eemmanuel 6. Sampana Awinzer 7. Ndeogo Amoole 8.Ayariga Samuel 9.Apambilla Akumbesi 10.Awintom Ayipallu 11. Azure Titus 12. Mba Anabora 13. Akumbole Sumaila 14. Azasgba Agbislebig 15.Akolobilla Isaac 16.Lazarous Asampana 17. Avoka Micheal 18.Siedu Adisa 19. Azubilla Atanga 20.Salifu Senuna 21.Apamlega Joel Atiba 22.Ndeogo Apaanab 23.Akolobah Apanlega 24.Azure Fati 25.Ayeere Azumah 26.Awamba Amalsum 27. Ayuuboya Akubilla Timothy 28.Atubo Alalbugre 29.Apamlenga Ngole 30. Sulemana Akpelbesi 31.Ayeere Obed Awinbilla 32. Koliba Atibila 33. Akuka Abednego Awinyam 34.Anai Asoori 35. Atiyongo Awuboya 36.Ayendago Akutam 37. Mba Isaih 38. Ake Aprespang 39. Asampanah Rose 40. Issah Anamsaki 41.Akemi Akalpes 42.Asowin Amalebena 43. Akey Azasiyan 44. Akumbe Malik 45. Achemi Abenemas 46.Avoka Anai 47.Ayeebo Mba 48. Azangbego Atiah Nurudeen 49. Alalbilla Apam 50. Akugri Agerige ***** A big thank you to supervisor Albert Dery ABIOLA-TEAM.

Dorf Kepousdensik

(ID: 681 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 39 Solar Kit 5W
Kepousdensik, village of difficult access in the commune of Cobly, department of Atacora in the Republic of Benin, owes its name to the assembly of trees called tamarind trees. visible in the said village. These are 11 tamarind trees the photo of which was taken during our visit and which undoubtedly should serve as the cover photo of the 28th project. The populations of the said village live an indescribable misery since they live from work in the fields where the means used are still rudimentary. Indeed these populations lead a subsistence agriculture and the period Which I went there is the one where they carry out the crops so for them period of fat cows since it is at this moment that they have the minimum to do a little bit facing their basic needs. This village is sorely lacking the minimum and my arrival today in the said village aroused in these populations a joy mixed with fear. A joy because perhaps the NGO ABIOLA will allow them to forget the obscurity in which they sleep once night has fallen, thus causing their school children not to learn their lessons. They are fearful because on many occasions they have been duped by NGOs who have come to make them miraculous promises without a future. The assurance has therefore been given to them. e with ABIOLA, this will not be the case. So an appointment is made with these populations for 2022 when they will be offered these family solar kits just to give these children the chance to have the minimum amount. Necessary for learning their lessons and for parents to enjoy this same offer since they themselves will benefit from the light but also will take advantage to recharge their phones Mobile phones 39 families were registered in the village of Kepousdensik¨¨ 1- DAKOU Jeannette, 2- SANHONGOU Eug¨¦nie, 3-KOMBIENOU Marc, 4-KOLANI Dieudonn¨¦, 5-KOLANI Tawaga, 6 -KOLANI Albert, 7-SAMBIENOU Monique 8-TCHANATE Esa? E, 9-SANHONGOU Simon, 10-N'SERMA Abina, 11-DOUTE Dominique, 12-DOUTE Fran? Ois, 13-TAKPEME Antoinette, 14-KOLANI Antoine, 15YANTEKOUA Matthieu, 16-YANTEKOUA M'boota, 17- YANTEKOUA Samuel, 18- YANTEKOUA Antoine, 19- YANTEKOUA Blandine, 20-NAMBONI Pascal, 21- SANHONGOU Tchanat¨¦, 22- SAMBIENI N'tcha Beno? T, 23- MOUTOUAMA Toumoudagou , 24- YANTEKOUA Mo? Se, 25- YANTEKOUA Matthieu, 26-YANTEKOUA Fatouma, 27-YANTEKOUA A No¨¦lie, 28- NAMBONI Yoa, 29-NAMBONI Fran? Ois, 30- MOUTOUAMA Kouma, 31- KOMBIENOU Moutouama, 32 -GNAMOU D¨¦nis, 33-SAMBIENI Salamatou, 34-NAMBONI D¨¦nise, 35-KOMBETTO Foomou Adiza, 36- MOUTOUAMA Pascal, 37 -NAMBONI Moussa Marie, 38- SANHOUEKOUA N'koua, 39- KOMBETTO N'naki . ***** A big thank you to supervisor René Sobabe of the ABIOLA team.


(ID: 674 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Togo (Afrika)
Product(s): 50 Solar Kit 5W
SOLAR KITS ABIOLA DISTRIBUTION PROJECT IN NAKI CENTER Naki Est is the capital of Kpendjal Ouest prefecture, a prefecture located in the far north of the country. Naki East is a small urban agglomeration but very densely populated. It houses the administration offices of the new Kpendjal West prefecture, created in 2016. It also houses all the small shops and most of the economic activity. It is crossed right through by the inter-state road Dapaong - Naki East - Borgou - Mandouri - Benin border. The agglomeration of Naki East (center) has about 8,000 inhabitants, the majority of whom belong to the Gourmantché ethnic group. It has a Village Development Committee (C.V.D.), made up of nine (09) members, namely: • A president • A vice-president • Secretary • An assistant secretary • A treasurer • An assistant treasurer • Three advisers The mission of the CVD is to promote the development of the village by seeking solutions to the problems affecting the populations: health, education, access to water, deforestation, etc. The strategies used by the CVD are essentially based on advocacy with the traditional (canton chief), administrative (prefect) and political (deputy) authorities. The urgent needs are the construction of school buildings, the supply of drinking water and the reforestation of the locality. A- ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONTEXT On the social level, Naki East (center) is the center of activity of the prefecture. The administration resides there: prefecture, town hall, hospital, college and high school, gendarmerie, police, ..... The officials of these services reside there with their families, which makes Naki East (center) a semi-urban environment. Economically, agricultural activity is not very intense in Naki. Administrative and commercial activities are more important. B- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INFRASTRUCTURES 1. In terms of education Naki East has the largest public primary school in the prefecture. This establishment has more than 1000 students with classrooms that sometimes have more than 100 students. Naki East also has the largest general education college and the largest (secondary) high school in the prefecture. 2. In terms of health Naki East has a Prefectural Hospital Center, the largest in the prefecture. This center has been the subject of a recent expansion with the construction of new bocs. This is the prefectural referral hospital. The most frequent diseases are malaria, diarrheal diseases, respiratory infections ...... 3. In terms of access to drinking water Naki East has several boreholes that supply the population. There is not yet a drinking water supply network. 4. In terms of energy and rural electrification Naki Center has a public lighting system powered by a generator. This energy supplies the public highway and public buildings (hospital, prefecture, town hall, gendarmerie, etc.). On the other hand, the population and the homes are not equipped with this lighting and this is a major handicap for the pupils who cannot work at night. C- IMPACT OF SOLARS KITS ON VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT 1. Home lighting: Home lighting will have a dual security interest: security against theft which is favored by darkness and security against the bite of reptiles and scorpions. 2. Charging the phones: Charging the phones enables their use. Nowadays, the use of the telephone is a real factor of development. The telephone makes it possible to communicate and to have information in real time. It also makes it possible to carry out economic activities through monetary transfers. 3. Student learning: The availability of lighting at home will allow students to study at night. They will thus have better academic performance, and will be able to go far to school. All this will promote the development of the community. ***** ABIOLA thanks the President of the NGO HUMANITÉ TOGO for the organization of the project and the delivery of SolarKits, which will be in Togo in December 2021.


(ID: 417 | Status: Donated)
Organization: Kinderhilfe Westafrika
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Torsten Krauße
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 21 Solar Kit 5W
The Mu-nyuuneepuo community is also located in the western part of the Jirapa district of the upper west region of Ghana and shares the same boundaries with Amareeyiri community and the main road leading to Lawra district. The people are engaged in farming and wood selling to make a living. It has an estimated population of about 348 people.

Health care center at Shamusenga

(ID: 735 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Medizinische Hilfsstation
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Kongo (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Solar System 60W
The Health center of Shamusenga, situated in Shamusenga Parish is facing the exact problem as we describe for the School. All the beautiful construction is helpful for the population, but when the night comes, all the activities should stop because of darkness, no light. The Albiola initiative to help poor populations like in Shamusenga is welcome. Can you imagine, in the health center they can not help patients in a good way, sometimes they can run meters to ask light or candles to some individuals. If you have to sleep in the health center, you will suffer from mosquitos and all kinds of insects that can sting you anytime. Snakes also in Africa are best-bad friends. Nurses and guardians don't have lights. Please, can you help? We don't know when we will have a hospital.

Full Gospel Assemblies of God Preparatoty school Techiman

(ID: 722 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 6 Raspberry Pi PC
Full Gospel Assemblies of God school was founded in the year 1995 by Rev. Dr. Paul Kwame Nasimong. Since then, Rev, Abraham Akantaara Anasco has been running the school. The 17 teachers teach a total of 350 students at the crèche, nursery, lower and upper primary. The school has 12 different school classes. Next to the elementary school there is also a Junior High School with currently 100 students. The relationship between girls and boys is roughly balanced. The school clothes are preferably yellow and blue with our school logo. It is very important to us that our children are brought up in the Christian faith and that they learn to deal with teachers and classmates in a disciplined manner. The school`s vision is to be be one of the leading private instituition in the country and provides opportunities created by the church, staff and parents, for the children to fully develop their potential by using the available resources and promote academic execellence in an atmosphere of God fearing and discipline to benefit all learners. Classes take place during the week from 7am to 2pm. The transferred computers arouse great interest on the part of the students. Often times, students learn faster than teachers can teach them. We also try to use the computer to recognize special abilities of students and to promote them accordingly. The computers also enable teachers to further educate themselves. Adult education for parents and villagers is also possible with the computer. We have also set up an Internet that allows students to study online. Adults can also use the computers to obtain information for work, procurement, medicine, and many other areas. We are aware that we will get even more computers from ABIOLA if our students study their courses appropriately. Thanks to our supervisor. ***** ABIOLA is pleased to be able to contribute to the education of students in Ghana. Many thanks for assistance in setting up the computers to Pastor Dr. Daniel Ayembilla, Referee Andrew Jeremiah Nai-Mensah, Referee Jeffery Ayembilla, and Timo and David and all the other helpers.


(ID: 755 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 4 Raspberry Pi PC
The school Yendi Assemblies of God school was founded in the year 2003 by the Assembly of god. Since then, Pastor Wunime and Mrs. Elizabeth have been running the school. The 18 teachers teach a total of 430 students in the departments KG, Primary, JHS. In addition to a kindergarten, there are also 6 different school classes. Next to the elementary school there is also a Junir High School with currently 350 students. The relationship between girls and boys is roughly balanced. The school clothes are preferably royal blue and sky blue with our school logo. It is very important to us that our children are brought up in the Christian faith and that they learn to deal with teachers and classmates in a disciplined manner. Classes take place during the week from 8am to 2pm. The transferred computers arouse great interest on the part of the students. Often times, students learn faster than teachers can teach them. We also try to use the computer to recognize special abilities of students and to promote them accordingly. The computers also enable teachers to further educate themselves. Adult education for parents and villagers is also possible with the computer. We have also set up an Internet that allows students to study the ABIOLA online Academy courses. Adults can also use the computers to obtain information for work, procurement, medicine, and many other areas. We are aware that we will get even more computers from ABIOLA if our students study their courses appropriately. Thanks to our supervisor, Dr. Daniel Ayembilla. ***** ABIOLA is pleased to be able to contribute to the education of students in Ghana. Many thanks for assistance in setting up the computers to Pastor Dr. Daniel Ayembilla, Referee Andrew Jeremiah Nai-Mensah, Referee Jeffery Ayembilla, and Phillip and David and all the other helpers.

JHS Peki Adzokoe

(ID: 856 | Status: Open)
Organization: Informatik für Afrika
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 4 Raspberry Pi PC
Peki Adzokoe Junior High School was founded in 1953. Peki Adzokoe today has a population of about 2500 and consists of two sub-towns called Peki Adzokoe Old Town and Peki Adzokoe New Town. The municipality is located between two mountain ranges called Eyeto (Sun Mountain) and Akpato (Fish Mountain). Peki Adzokoe is one of eight towns that make up the Peki traditional area, each having a divisional head. The towns are Tsame, Avetile, Afeviwofe, Blengo, Dzake, Wudome, Dzobati and Adzokoe. The residents of Peki Adzokoe are predominantly farmers and small traders. There are only two public facilities in the municipality: three primary schools and a health center. The school is currently run and taught by Mrs. Blessing Abra Kumah three male and two female teachers, five in total. The total number of students is 105, of which 55 are boys and 50 are girls. The school represents the following core values: professionalism, diversity, hard work and integrity. ***** ABIOLA is pleased to be able to make a contribution to the education of students in Ghana. Many thanks to Rosina Hug for helping organize and set up the computers.

Primärschule in Loswaki, Tansania

(ID: 293 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Tansania (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Solar System 60W
On August 2, 2019, we were able to hand over the completely renovated and expanded primary school in the village of Loswaki (3 ° 50'26.29 "S, 36 ° 33'56.44" E) (Simanjiro District, Tanzania) to the district government as the operator of the school , The girls and boys can now be taught in friendly and solid classrooms instead of dilapidated ancient buildings. In addition to the classrooms and new toilet facilities, the school has also received four new houses for teachers, so that the 800 pupils can now be taught by significantly more than the previous 5 teachers: because the teachers need houses for themselves and their families in which they can live at school. There are no apartments or houses for rent. But the new houses have no light, so the teachers have no way of preparing for classes in the evenings. An Abiola SolarKit is designed to remedy this so that teachers come to class well prepared in the morning.

Benin - School & Club

(ID: 742 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Raspberry Pi PC
Benin - School & Club

Schule Tre

(ID: 160 | Status: Donated)
Organization: Oredola e.V.
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Solar System 60W
Tre is a commune in the provinces of Colline, this school is a primary school and runs from the 1st to the 6th grade. After the 6th grade an exam is done. If a student passes this exam, then it can basically go to high school. There is no electricity in this school. The children of the 6th grade should be equipped with an Abiola Powerbank 2600 mA. These can be charged during the day with solar energy in the school. In the evening you can read it or charge a mobile device. Of course, all classrooms will also be lit by the solar system. As a result, the classrooms can also be used in the evening if required (for example tutoring, study groups, supplementary courses, adult education or public events). We hope that these children will get better school results and look forward to learning solar light instead of oil lamps. The project is supervised by

Hilfsstation Bori

(ID: 163 | Status: Donated)
Organization: Oredola. e.V.
Type: Projekt
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Solar System 60W
The health post Bori is located in the Department of Borgou. Here 3000 inhabitants are medically supplied. Here, too, children are born without light or with simple oil lamps. The village itself has no access to electricity. For years, the association Oredola and Humedica e.V. in the Department of Borgou supplies the population with medical supplies. The health post would benefit greatly from the Abiola solar kit. The project is supervised by

Amazonian Bilingual Junior Secondary School

(ID: 276 | Status: Donated)
Organization: TERRE DES FEMMES
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Sierra-Leone (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Solar System 60W
During her last project visit, a speaker from the women's rights organization TERRE DES FEMMES handed over the Abiola Charger 30W to the Amazonian Bilingual Junior Secondary School in the village of Mamusa, built and operated by her partner Amazonian Initiative Movement (AIM). The village is located in the district of Port Loko in the province of North West in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Sierra Leone is considered one of the poorest countries in the world: about 70 percent of the population live in extreme poverty and have to make a living on less than one US dollar a day. On the list of 179 countries examined by the United Nations Development Program, the former British colony is one of the 10 least developed countries in 2019, as in previous years. Between 1991 and 2002, a bloody civil war raged in Sierra Leone, among others. for control of the country's diamond deposits. Many children were recruited as soldiers and forced to commit crimes against their fellow human beings. Also in the recent past, Sierra Leone has had to cope with crises like the devastating Ebola outbreak between 2014 and 2016. This claimed about 4,000 lives, many children were orphaned by the epidemic. The "Amazonian Bilingual Junior Secondary School Mamusa" visit 50 girls and 65 boys. What makes the difference to a classic state school? At the AIM school, girls and boys are taught mixed classes and they take subjects that are not available in regular schools, such as the subject of debating, which is about learning to think, think, argue, and discuss , Sex education, prevention, family planning and education on human rights violations such as female genital mutilation are also part of the curriculum. In a country where there is no law protecting female genital mutilation and 90 percent of girls and women between the ages of 15 and 49 are affected by it, breaking the taboo and indispensable! Teachers also sensitize students to the background and consequences of early marriage and sexual violence. Violence protection and a respectful togetherness at eye level v.a. between girls and boys are the alpha and omega. Last but not least, the AIM school with regular sports and games units as well as small excursions on enough exercise and variety in school life. The AIM school is very rural and has so far had no connection to the power grid. Therefore, the Abiola Charger 30W and those handed over with power banks were received with great pleasure. The solar panel will be installed on the roof of the school in a timely manner. For this purpose, a suitable safety jacket is built so that the panel can not be easily stolen. Already now, the Abiola Charger 30W and its equipment provide the "Amazonian Bilingual Junior Secondary School Mamusa" with lighting for six classrooms, a fresh wind for the teachers thanks to a table fan and the possibility to charge several mobile phones during the lesson. The handover was made to the headmaster, Sidique Lawrence Kanu, and his deputy, Sentigie Conteh. The school management, teachers and pupils tried out the Abiola Charger 30W together with the speaker of TERRE DES FEMMES - everything worked perfectly and fully meets the needs.


(ID: 368 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Torsten Krauße
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 25 Solar Kit 5W
KPATCHIEGBANE is a village in the Garu region in the Upper East District of Ghana. The north of Ghana is particularly poor because it does not rain as much and the soil is not very productive. Many poor people live there. Our partner Firm Lifeline Ministries welcomed particularly needy families into this aid project. They have no running water and no electricity. They live on a little agriculture from hand to mouth. They make light with kerosene lamps.

Kirche der Versammlungen Gottes von Tampobré

(ID: 773 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Dorf
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 60 Solar Kit 5W
The Church of the Assemblies of God of Tampobré is located in the commune of Toucountouna in the district of Kouarfa in the village of Tampobré. It is also a new village for me that I had just discovered like the village of Bouyagnidi. The Church of Tampobré called Sinai is located at the foot of the mountain, hence its name. This church is currently led by Pastor SIKASSERE Silas. This church has more than 150 members. Only about sixty families within this church have been registered and of which here is the photo and the names: 1- TONASSE Edith, 2-WARAKATE Enock, 3- SOKOTOHOU Pierre, 4-KUIKA Jean,5-DAKOUPE Emile, 6-DAKRO Pierre, 7-SAGUI Sékou, 8- YOMBO Thomas, 9-DAKOU Jacques, 10-BOTONANGOU Silas, 11-DAKRO Dominique, 12-DAKOU Etienne, 13-KADO Innocent, 14-DATAOURO Elie, 15-KOUAGOU Mathieu, 16-KASSA Henri, 17-DATAHOURO Samson, 18-DATAOURO Benoît, 19-SEKOU Josué, 20-SOKOTOHOU Marie, 21-KOUAGOU Barthélémy, 22-KOBOU Yombo,23- NONGOUTE Rosalie,24-YANTCHA Fiacre, 25-OROU Joseph,26-DATAOURO Prosper, 27- YANTCHA Aimée, 28-YOKOSSI Esaïe, 29-WARAKATE Jacques, 30-DATAOURO Céline , 31-DAKOU Josué, 32- SEKOU Alain, 33-SIKASSERE Silas, 34-WASSIRE Louise, 35-YOKOSSI Déborah, 36-SEKOU Yassima, 37-WAGRE Nèkima, 38-YIRO Tchando, 39-KATOTCHA Germain, 40-TCHANDO Rachel, 41-KOUAGOU Elisabeth, 42-YOTTO Marie, 43-TASSI Samuel,44-SAGUI Tchaa, 45-POKOU Marie, 46-YOMBO Timothée,47-KOUAGOU Pélagie, 48-TCHESSO Elisabeth, 49-YOKOSSI Brika, 50-SEKOU Daniel, 51-DATAOURO David, 52- ALIDOU Agathe, 53-KOUARFATE Marthe, 54-DATAOURO Yotto, 55-KOKOWOURO Michel, 56-SOKOTOHOU Modeste, 57-WARAKATE Delphine,58- WARAKATE Gildas, 59-KPANOU Jonas, 60- SOKOTO Minminsou ***** A big thank you to supervisor René Sobabe ABIOLA-TEAM.

Schule der Assemblies of God in Twifo

(ID: 900 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 3 Raspberry Pi PC
Twifo Assemblies of God was founded in the year 2014 by the Assembliles of church of Ghana. Since then, Mrs. Anita Boateng has been running the school as the head teacher. The school has 12 teachers teach a total of 360 students in the departments Creche, KG, Primary, and JHS. In addition to a kindergarten, there are also 6 different school classes and 5 non teaching staff. Next to the primary school, there is also a Junior High School with currently 40 students. The relationship between girls and boys is roughly balanced. The school clothes are preferably yellow and blue unit cloth print. It is very important to us that our children are brought up in the Christian faith and that they learn to deal with teachers and classmates in a disciplined manner. Classes take place during the week from 8 am to 3 pm. The transferred computers arouse great interest on the part of the students. Oftentimes, students learn faster than teachers can teach them. We also try to use the computer to recognize the special abilities of students and to promote them accordingly. The computers also enable teachers to further educate themselves. Adult education for parents and villagers is also possible with the computer. We have also set up an Internet that allows students to study the ABIOLA online Academy courses. Adults can also use the computers to obtain information for work, procurement, medicine, and many other areas. We are aware that we will get even more computers from ABIOLA if our students study their courses appropriately. ***** ABIOLA is pleased to be able to contribute to the education of students in Ghana. Many thanks for assistance in setting up the computers to Supervisor Dr. Daniel Ayembilla, Rev. Jeffery Ayembilla.

Ausbildungs- und Webzentrum Natitingou, Benin

(ID: 264 | Status: Donated)
Type: Projekt
Category: Ausbildungszentrum
Project manager: Christoph Köhler
Country: Benin (Afrika)
Product(s): 1 Solar System 60W
Association Gusunon Kinru is a training center specializing in weaving and jewelery making it possible for girls and young women to build a livelihood. The training lasts three years and ends with the degree issued by the State of Benin. You will receive the certificate CQM (Certificat de Qualification au Metier). Currently, 14 girls and young women are being trained in the center. The center is located in northern Benin and is headed by Ms Juliette Bossou. She receives support from the German volunteer Frida Thiedemann, who takes care of girls' literacy as well as everyday topics such as health, hygiene and sex education. In addition to their education, four girls currently have the opportunity to live there and are therefore dependent on the use of light in the evenings. Natitingou is a city where electrical energy is actually available. But the Education and Web Center is in an area where access to electricity is not easy. All attempts have so far been unsuccessful, because the distance between the power pole and the center was too large and the availability of a house in which we could install an additional meter was not guaranteed. Even if this were possible, the costs would be excessive. I would like to use this offer of a SolarKit donation, because the need in the center is great. The girls have no light to repeat or work on the learning content they received that day. It is virtually impossible for them to learn in the evenings - which slows down their development. They only have a small rechargeable flashlight, whose brightness is low. To charge their laptops, the girls have to go to the director's house, which is 500 meters from the center. Attached to this e-mail are photos of the center and the girls working in the hall and in the dormitories, the electrical wiring is available, but there is no energy available. The wiring was installed to prevent the walls from having to be broken in order to lay the cables in case of a possible power connection. Even if the kits were to be offered for sale and these prices are acceptable to us, I will make it my business to check that we can purchase them. Answer by Abiola: It is an Abiola TurboChager 60W provided with a 12V / 220V converter. We will publish the project for a while as a donation project. If there is no donor, donate it to Abiola.


(ID: 748 | Status: Open)
Type: Projekt
Category: Schule
Project manager: Elke Wonsiedler
Country: Ghana (Afrika)
Product(s): 4 Raspberry Pi PC
The Christ Academy A/G School in Atonsu, Ghana was equipped with Raspberry Pi computers by ABIOLA and was created in the ABIOLA online Academy so that the students can study the courses for free. The Christ Academy A/G School also takes part in all ABIOLA campaigns. We wish all teachers and students the best of luck and success for the future.

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