Indescribable is the joy for a family in Africa when receiving a solar system
ABIOLA has as of Oct. 2023, approximately 4,000 SolarKits have been donated and another 1,700 SolarKits are on
the way to Africa. In addition, we donated around 300 PCs to schools in Africa and
another 150 PCs will be handed over soon.
Our next big stage goal (total) is:
10,000 donated SolarKits for families and 1,000 donated computers for schools in Africa.
With your help we can achieve this!
Christoph Köhler – Chairman of ABIOLA e.V. and Managing Director of ABIOLA gGmbH
Below you will find interesting impressions about the two charitable activities of ABIOLA:
More info on the “Light” theme
Each ABIOLA Family System, also called SolarKit, consists of a 6 watt solar panel and a lamp that can shine for up to 144 hours on one charge. The built-in battery with a capacity of 5200 mA can additionally charge a smartphone.
In Africa, the smartphone is used much more than a computer. Most citizens do not have their own account at a bank, but they collect and pay directly via smartphone. Thus, the mobile phone is crucial for communicating with each other as well as for spontaneous education via the Internet. However, the problem is often the charging of the cell phone lacks power supply as well as due to power outages. This is where a small solar system like this is valuable.
The SolarKits offer white and yellow light with different brightness levels. Although ABIOLA reserves the right to replace a defective unit free of charge, no defective unit has ever been reported to us. The areas of application of the SolarKits are large, be it in medical aid stations, social shelters, orphanages and women’s shelters as well as in schools.
See ABIOLA family solar kit here>>
All projects and also all families that receive an ABIOLA Family Solar Kit are documented in the ABIOLA Light Portal with text and photo. In the light portal you can see more than 5000 pictures of families. Extensive filtering of the data is possible. If results are displayed, then clicking on the image will display more images. The handling is very simple.
See access to the ABIOLA light portal here >>
Why do children particularly benefit from solar lamps?
Because kerosene lamps are more harmful for children than for adults.
“Children breathe faster than adults, so they take in more air and more pollutants,” the World Health Organization(WHO) report says. In addition, young children are closer to the ground, where the concentration of pollutants is particularly high, he said. They also breathed more often than adults through the mouth instead of the nose, which meant that harmful particles could enter the organism more easily.

More info on the “Education” topic
ABIOLA has a contact with a union of 16 school associations in Ghana. Currently, the most important partner is the Christian church organization “Assembly of God” with about 5,000 congregations and about 320 schools. Most of the PC’s have been supplied to this school district to date. Schools in other African countries such as Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin or Togo have also received computers from ABIOLA and use the free courses offered by the ABIOLA online Academy. These are elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, as well as universities.
ABIOLA records every activity from all students and can track in detail which students/schools are active and which courses are studied the most. Each student gets 2 points per login, 5 points for studying a report, and 12 points for correctly answering a quiz with 8-12 questions within a lesson. Since the Academy began in September 2022, students have earned over 600,000 points in one year with over 100,000 reports studied and approximately 7,000 quizzes successfully answered.
The challenging “Electronics Basic” course alone, which has been released since January 2023, achieved approximately 64,000 points in the first 10 months. Number 1 with 160,000 points so far is the “Linux Programs” course ahead of the “Linux Introduction” course with 76,000 points currently. Currently, 10 courses are public with a combined total of more than 500 different reports. These are available free of charge to all people worldwide. Only a one-time registration is required. Try it out in German or English.
ABIOLA online Academy uses a structure with admin, school association, school, teacher and student. Everyone sees exactly the numbers that are relevant to them and that have been assigned to them. Thus, for example, the teacher has an insight into how much his students have studied so far in the Academy and when.
The internal communication tool “Notification” allows supervisors to send messages to specific target groups or to individuals within the Academy. Teachers can move outgoing students to the school archive and they can add new students themselves in a matter of seconds.
Our courses can be studied with computers of all operating systems. ABIOLA computers are based on the world’s most widely used educational computer Raspberry Pi computer with Linux operating system and about 50 ready installed free programs such as Linux Office. Linux itself is also free and it is more modern than some people think. Thus, even the largest high-performance computers are currently running Linux. Linux is used in banks, industry and universities just as it is in about 90% of smartphones. After all, Android also works with a Linux operating system. Linus is compact, fast and it is not very vulnerable to unwanted access.
In November 2023, ABIOLA’s partners in Ghana learned to produce the ABIOLA PCs themselves in Africa. In the process, a further 100 PCs will be produced and configured.
The bottom picture shows the school in Nigeria of a Christian orphan village with 4,500 people in need of protection “HELP FOR THE NEEDY”. ABIOLA donated here 13 computers and 2 solar systems with battery, whereby the computer operation is powered exclusively by solar energy. An ABIOLA PC together with its 18.4 ” LCD monitor consumes less than 20W of power. This greatly simplifies the supply of solar energy. For schools with a power supply, this means much lower energy costs in terms of PCs.
Why can ABIOLA online Academy courses be studied in a hundred different languages?
Google offers it that in a browser the content of a web page can be automatically displayed in another language. For example, students in Cameroon or Benin today have English courses displayed directly in French. The setting is to be done only once and we have explained the process in our database RASP. See:
Why can the courses be studied so well with the smartphone?
We make sure that colored blocks and pictures make it easy to study the respective reports even with a smartphone. The “Favorites” feature allows the student to mark a report so that they can quickly find it later. This allows the student to study and test the highlighted report again, e.g. on a PC .
Click here to visit the ABIOLA online Academy

Regular ABIOLA campaigns with attractive rewards for hardworking students.
By keeping score of courses studied, we can incentivize schools and students through rewards. For example, each school receives an additional PC when all students have reached 15,000 points within half a year.
We can reward each student for their performance through an elaborate concept. Rewards for students are delivered to a few pickup locations where school representatives can pick up the rewards. Each school has an automatically generated list for the distribution of bonuses. The premiums for students can be changed. For example, a USB stick with 8GB, where the student can store his personal data, is valuable. Below we show the current campaign quarter 3/2023.
Notepad with magical pen
Currently, there are 1,000 notebooks and 3,000 erasable gel pens in Ghana. Each student who has earned a total of 500 points during July-October 2023 will receive a pad/pen set with a blue pen.
Whoever reaches 500 points (again) in the next quarter will get a pad/pen set (again) and can choose between a blue and red pen. Later we can expand the rewards with other pens, USB sticks, etc. More details about our campaigns can be found in the English environment on the page “Campaign”.
Enjoy the small video (right) best with audio!
The flyer briefly summarized ABIOLA’s two donation priorities.
Both are valuable for the projects and families in Africa.

A small calculation example shows the great effect of several partial donations:
If several donors together donate 20,000 euros, then ABIOLA can use these funds for lighting or/and educational projects. In the “Light” area, this would be 1,000 SolarKits to families and aid projects. In the area of “education”, this would be 100 new PCs at schools, including the handover and the corresponding training. Thousands of schools in the school union we know in Ghana are hoping for a small “IT lab”, as they like to call it there (PCs). Join in!
Your support is a great help for Africa. Of course we will hand over a donation receipt.
Christoph Köhler – Chairman of ABIOLA e.V. and Managing Director of ABIOLA gGmbH
Donations from ABIOLA sponsors are used exclusively for the intended projects. There are no overhead or incidental costs involved!
“We were born to do this,
being charitable.”
William Shakespeare