SolarKits / packages

Abiola SolarKits / Other Packages

Abiola currently offers five different product packages for different target groups. The product packages are referred to by Abiola as “kits”. Three packages of these include small complete solar systems. These are called solar kits. The kits described below are stocked in large quantities and can be used for the appropriate relief facilities/projects/families. All five kits shown below were described in more detail in the Abiola blog posts 13 – 17. On this page, the kits are only briefly named with a link to the respective blog post.

We recommend that you also miss out on the other blog posts to better understand the details of Abiola activities.


Abiola TurboCharger 60W/120W SolarKit

The powerful solar system with universal possibilities.


Abiola Charger 30W/60W SolarKit

Slightly smaller designed for lighting, air cooling and more.

Abiola Family SolarKit

For practicality and despite a lot of romance.

Abiola PowerbankKit

For education, communication and whereyous.

Abiola LadeKit

power bank from the socket
(no solar)

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