
Abiola LightPortal

“Poverty is the thief of time. Poverty is not without money, but without hope”.

This is what Eric from Ghana wrote to Abiola, who has made it his mission to use his work for the “hope” of the needy in his country.

Like many other employees of charities and charities, he has put us – pictures and descriptions of projects and families in the Abiola LichtPortal with the aim of giving light from solar energy to the people in need.

The Abiola LichtPortal is a donation platform where projects such as medical aid stations, orphanages or women’s shelters, student dormitories, schools are presented. These projects are managed by non-profit organisations. They also ensure that the donated SolarKits are delivered and handed over later.


Donating solar systems to Africa and other developing countries is Abiola’s primary goal, which is made possible by a network of many nonprofits, organizations, supporters and donors.

“Gift is worth nothing” is often said when it comes to developing countries. That may be true. But there are also many other experiences.

Aid projects such as medical wards, orphanages, women’s shelters, schools, etc. without electricity, for example, are grateful for light from solar energy. We look forward to every sunny day in Europe. In Africa, people suffer from the same sun due to lack of water and crop loss.

Africa and other countries have the best conditions for solar energy all year round, although darkness begins daily around 6 p.m. and ends around 6 a.m.

Light in the evening is an enrichment for these people to work, read and learn. Communication is an opportunity for education and further development for these people.

Abiola is recognized as a non-profit and is willing to donate a lot of SolarKits herself. In addition, external donations are important and help to achieve the legal goal.



With the donation platform “Abiola LichtPortal” we hope to be able to make a valuable contribution in the sense of charitable purposes.

Your Abiola Team &

Christoph Köhler


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